Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New Beginnings... as usual ;)

So... here I am sitting in my half-brother's apartment in Virginia, USA.... so close to Washington D.C.  - and what's with this crazy Osama bin Laden news this weekend? Well - it's strange to be here, and then up to New York in a few ... will probably go to Ground Zero like so many others have...only driven past it a few times..

Anyways,  so. So many stepping stones, and so many key points have been occurring - in regards to the rest of my life, my future, destiny - etc. :)

Many of these, are not solid / framed enough, to write about here - but in general, my life is finally having some form and direction that it has needed.

It is incredible how fast life moves...and changes. In one day - so many things can happen.

Me, Harmony
hmm... changing a lot - or not ... depending how you look at me. I'm the same, but having the key aspects of my heart, character, and life? pulled out and specifically being pinpointed. It's incredible, to say the least ;)

just .. keep an eye on my life over the next few weeks ...and months, and you'll be shocked at what's coming ;) I know I am .. lol :)

Check out pics on FB of my sister, half-brother and my nephews :) such a great couple of weeks we've had together.

Key quotes, verses and chapters in my life..
"Change is inevitable, but growth is a choice." - Paula White's book - "Moving On, Moving Up" - it's great!

Romans 8 - especially vs 28 - All things work together for the good of those called according to His purposes ...

Basically, change and growth are simple words.. almost understatements, of what is happening in my life.

Prayers are requested ;) for the smooth flow of change ;) :) there's so much more to come :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

April. A new season. Patience


So here we are again. It's been a while, I know, and I'm not even at a place where I'm 'dying to write' this...but I'll update you as much as I can.

The last 3 months I have been so very separated from all of my contacts outside of NYC ... especially/even my international friends.

Patience is a key word.

If I told you all the things that happened last week, you'd be shocked. My laptop died (maybe resurrected tomorrow by Adrian!!), quit my job (emotionally and physically exhausting...and should have quit a long time ago), lost my fav. hat and wallet on the subway ... thus a few hours waiting for and then speaking to cops. Still  no sign of them, and not expecting it either. Cancelled my debit card as someone was already trying to use it.

So I'm in an interview process for a job, and will resume job hunting after I get a little on track, physically - emotionally - and spiritually. I'm an entirely exhausted at the moment.

I know God wants me here still, so going to stick it out a little longer. Have made some awesome great friends and have connected with MSNY where I'll be playing violin in worship on sunday!! I was questioning God after He told me He wanted me there (a few weeks ago) and it was 'all too easy' as Kayla introduces herself and asks if I'd like to play :) Woohoo! so guess that will be my spiritual home whilst here in New York. I've been going to CityLight too..but believe God wants me to be ministered to, whilst there.

What else to tell you.
I was in Texas for a few weeks, met my half brother and sister that I'd never met before!! Was at the Rodeo, driving golf carts. Visiting my good friend Nick. Enjoying the hot weather!! until I had to return to NY ... where that night it snowed. Crazy right?!

Thunder showers tomorrow!! yay!!


God is providing for me. I believe this is a week of rest. I was so tired yesterday that I didn't want to sleep. I can't stand that.

prayer for direction, provision, peace. Strength and Patience, and the right connections :) love you guys :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

New York. It's been more than a month here... and yet my first update. Sorry I've taken so long....

Hey all :)

A brief synopsis of how I got to be living and working in NYC, of all places .. nobody could have ever guessed I'd be here... and last of all, me (but God ;) ). I'll give the process prior to NY, in another post, when I have more time :)

Brief background ...
2010 - ...maybe as far back as 2009, I noticed God releasing me from Zimbabwe, and by middle of the year I knew that I would not be in Zimbabwe much longer, and God showed me a timeline of leaving by the end of 2011. Yes. I know we are in the beginning of 2011. :) Well, the time frame became shorter and shorter until I knew that He wanted me out by the end of 2010 (as best option).
In the middle of the year I had returned from my USA/Australia trip (Heid's Wedding!!) and went to cheesecake with Renee and others, and it was terrible. This is just one small example of many others that made me realize that God had changed - and was continuing to change - my heart. That terrible cheesecake made me realize that I want to live (at least my base) needs to be somewhere that I can get simple things like good-quality cheesecake. :)
Anyways... God pushed me to look for jobs. At first the vision was very open, and international .... and I was looking at anything that would fit in my vision for my life ... from music, to teaching, to administration, to ministry, to anything that involved international experiences. :) you know my tendency to travel as God calls ;)

Anyways ... I found myself landing at JFK airport ... New York City, in December .. December 20, 2010..  My thought was "How did I get here? What am I doing here?" If you must know, I actually didn't even know where I was staying that night, let alone where I was going to live, or work, or even spend Christmas!

Insert: I must clearly appreciate the dear friends who stood by me, and took care of me, physically, emotionally, and spiritually through this transition. From Wadzi and others in Zimbabwe, to my parents in Zim, to Musa in South Africa, to Sue taking me to the airport, to Danielle, and Adrian, and the Rogers' family. There are many more of you... Kai, Renee, and my brother Travis who I reconnected with after 17 years since the previous time we had seen each other. I LOVE YOUR - all the people who had any part in making this transition with me. You are so close to my heart - and if you knew about me going to NY - know that there were only a couple handfulls of you - and God had major purposes with you in my life :) . If you have walked into this new season with me - we are destined for great things, and God is watching. May you be blessed heavily for the work and love and support you have done in my life, and in others' lives. I do not take it lightly..

So I arrived in NY and Danielle met me at the airport with such joy :)  :) and I spent that first night with her...our family, and the next morning was off to see Travis (my half brother, that I hadn't seen in 17 years)... and his family. Briefly: ... we got to know eachother, and share about our experiences and lives....and talk and drink coffee, and walk. :) And I saw much of Washington D.C. and West Virginia.... you know, all the sights I should see ;) an incredible experience :)

While I was in DC/ West Virginia ... I kept applying for jobs, and apartment hunting (with very little money in my account, lol) .. but knowing that God had called me to move to NY - and so He would (as always,) provide for me to be there. Just as I had seen Him do sooooo many times before .. just in smaller ways :).

Oh. For those of you who don't know: The purpose God sent me to NYC was for Maturity, Independence, and Dependance on God. As  you can already tell, a lot of faith was required for this journey, and continues to be the main ingredient. As I am obedient, He shows His hand in awesome, and confirming ways.

So I continued the job/apartment hunt... and even thought of staying in DC...but I knew NY was where He had said. Then, it's about time for me to leave Travis -things happening in his life, and I need to get on with mine. Then NY had a huge snow storm, and there was no way I was going to get into the city. So I was with Travis for a week and 2 days. Then a couple days before I left Travis (tuesday night?) I get a call for an interview! I didn't even know really what the job was, but looked them up online, and the reason I had applied is that they had a list of attributes from 'positive attitude' 'solution oriented'..the last one really got me, but all of them easily fit me. So they seemed very interested, and I said I could only get up there by thursday afternoon. So I made an appointment for the interview. No housing yet.
I kept meeting awesome people who would encourage me in my adventure, and the journey.
It was a hard season ... those few days where I was in USA and not sure what the next step would be  .. But I had no choice but to hold on to His hand, and keep walking. lol. Like .. what other choice? run home to Zim? haha. not a chance. :)

Anyways, the night before I left DC, I got to see Ethan and Tammy .. and they offered her apartment to me if I needed a place to stay, while she was in California!!! perfect! though I didn't know it yet. That apartment was a secret mission in itself ;)

Anyways, I arrive in NYC ... and had to postpone  my interview 3 times because of traffic... and Danielle picks me up and I run in to the interview (she was awesome!!! was my mirror, helping me stay peaceful and professional :)!! . Anyways, I rush into my interview at 5:30(original time had been 2pm lol ... and it was a miracle in itself that the bus stop and the office were so close -or I'd have to cancel until Monday!.

Anyways.... I had an interview with a gentleman who actually ended up offering me a 2nd interview with a different job than I was applying for...with the UN. lol. So I got a job offer for a different job than I applied for. hello? crazy, right? He really liked me and thought I'd be more interested in charity work.

Anyways .. I go home with Danielle to New Jersey, and get good Rogers' family time :)and Monday comes around and I go in for the 2nd interview where I shadowed (my now boss) for 8 hours. I had no idea what we would be doing ... and if I had seen it on paper, I would never have taken the job. Brian and I took the subway to Harlem, and went door to door, fundraising for the UNHCR. (Now, all my friends have to know about the UN Refugee Agency ;) so look up the website. :) We had a good day together, and I'm filling out a questionaire about what I thought of our day, and I get to the place where it asks if I'd like to work with them, or not. Yes .... No.   I had no idea. I'm sitting there for 10minutes, 'cause I don't know. And I'm praying, and God's not really saying anything...... and then I saw light around/behind the YES...and shadow over the 'no'. So I circled Yes. A new part of my adventure had begun.
5 mins later, Brian comes out and says he's going to take me in for my 3rd interview. He offered me the job. And that is what I've been doing for 4 weeks. 2 weeks ago? I went to Philadelphia on a business trip, doing the same thing, with Britt, Monika, and Stevie :) awesome young women :)
So that's my income :) Thanks God! It's a different kind of stress, but all the aspects/pieces of the job are what I wanted. Exercize, people, finances, office, connections, and I'm learning so many things ... especially 'small talk' skills... you might realize that small talk is not one of my strengths ... you know the 5 hour coffees ;) anyways!!

So apartments. I accepted the job offer that monday night. He wanted me to start work on Tuesday (my hours are 12pm to 9pm). I said okay. That night I went home to NJ with Danielle, and in the morning (5 hours sleep?) she helped me move to NY into Tammy's apartment! Then we promptly left and I got to the office.

Danielle's mom sent food with me, Tammy said I was welcome to anything they had etc ... and I didn't have to buy groceries. (Even today as I write this, I have not truly had to buy groceries .. thanks God!) 6 weeks in USA)  wow.
I stayed in Tammy's apartment for about 10 days, ... still home hunting, and nothing. Met Nick when looking at his apartment, and found a cheap option, but far away. And talking to Nichole (Danielle's aunt) because she's in real estate, she said it sounded fine for temporary. Then 5 mins later she calls back and says she talked to her husband, and for $100 less, I could stay with them in Brooklyn ... and that's where I am now. Her husband has since cut the rent by half of what was the original offer, AND has included my groceries/meals in the amount. God is INCREDIBLE!!!

I've been church hunting, and making friends along the way. :)

So, currently I have an income - and am surprised at how few people in NEW YORK CITY actually have a job. it's shocking. A miracle how fast I got mine. I have a temporary place to stay over the next month or two, until I find where I want to be. I'm making great friends and connections, and growing and learning a lot. A week ago? I gave someone directions for the first time, and now I cross streets like a true New Yorker ;) ...

Anyways, that's a rap for now... I can't do this anymore. Sorry it didn't happen sooner, but I love you all! and thanks for keeping in touch with my life  :)

God is good, and all glory goes to Him :)
Write soon!